The Performing Self

by | Jul 8, 2015 | Blog



What a fantastic June and July we have had – wonderful sunshine – and for once the roses and clematis haven’t been torn apart by storms and wind and rain!   It’s so lovely to be able to go outside at 10 o’clock in the evening and it’s light and warm!

I have been busy since March – giving a fascinating Voice workshop to some very talented singers;  I’ve also given a couple of masterclasses to performers at the Garage in Norwich – and worked with dancers.   This has been an exciting adventure and is planned to continue in the autumn – September and October – see ‘Events’ on my website, on Facebook or on the Garage website.

Finding one’s ‘performing’ voice is such an exilarating discovery – I’ve always loved storytelling and have now discovered that when performing the old sagas – The Iliad, or Beowulf a powerful new persona emerges with its own very commanding voice.    Giving expression to these different facets of ourselves allows the ‘self’ to expand and reach its potential – and the alexander technique gives us the tools to liberate these aspects of ourselves in such a way that we have a  presence and confidence in our performance.

I’m off to the Globe soon and the Summer exhibition – curious to see those stripey stairs!

Have a glorious summer – explore, experiment – enjoy your ‘expanding self’!